Invited talks & Keynotes
27th September 2019 Talk on "Urban changemakers ecologies: about socially (engaged) creative cities” as part of 'Questioning the Creative City' organised by the University of Durham and The NewBridge Project
23rd April 2019 Keynote 'Artisti, imprese e Sviluppo' as part of SMATH World Cafe', organised by University of Venice Ca' Foscari at Arsenale di Venezia
10th May 2019, Invitation to Panel Discussion, Beyond 2020: Future of Creative Economies in the EU, Dresden as part of DISCE Kick-Off Event
18th June 2016 on Talk on "Universities and the arts: patrons, sponsors or partners at the Winchester School of Art for Winchester Cultural Conversations organised by the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton and the University of Winchester
8-10 June 2015 Invited to present and chair at Séminaire International - Cultural and Creative Quarters and Clusters: Developing a Global Perspective paper with Oli Mould (Royal Holloway, University of London) "Cultural Quarters and Higher Education: Third Spaces, Networks and Collaborations.
26-27 February 2015 talk on "The Weakest Link: Issues and contradictions between
urban regeneration interventions and the development of local creative economy" during the conference "Rigenerazione urbana, modelli europei e italiani a confronto"
28th November 2014, Talk on "Universities and the arts: patrons, sponsors or partners “at the Centre for Creative and Cultural Research at University of Canberra (Australia), during a workshop on: “Making Culture: creative participation in the arts” convened by Professor Angelina Russo and Dr Scott Brook
4th November 2014, Lecture to Arts Policy & Administration students at the Department of Arts Administration, Education, and Policy The Ohio State University
28th May 2014, Edinburgh Keynote contributor to Identifying and Nurturing Talent: Best Practice and New Pathways in the Screen Industries
29th November 2013 | University of Algarve, Faro, 19th Workshop APDR Resilient Territories: Innovation And Creativity For New Modes Of Regional Development, Keynote delivered ‘Resilience and vulnerability in creative careers: work and geographical strategies of creative graduates in UK’
8th November 2013, Antwerp (Belgium) Keynote to the conference To Teach Or Not To Teach? Questioning The Art School with the paper The career opportunities and patterns of creative graduates in UK as part of the celebration of the Anniversary of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
4th November 2014, Lecture to Arts Policy & Administration students at the Department of Arts Administration, Education, and Policy The Ohio State University
28th May 2014, Edinburgh Keynote contributor to Identifying and Nurturing Talent: Best Practice and New Pathways in the Screen Industries
29th November 2013 | University of Algarve, Faro, 19th Workshop APDR Resilient Territories: Innovation And Creativity For New Modes Of Regional Development, Keynote delivered ‘Resilience and vulnerability in creative careers: work and geographical strategies of creative graduates in UK’
8th November 2013, Antwerp (Belgium) Keynote to the conference To Teach Or Not To Teach? Questioning The Art School with the paper The career opportunities and patterns of creative graduates in UK as part of the celebration of the Anniversary of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
30 April 2013 Invited speaker at the seminar “Network Structures of Art: European and Russian Studies” Faculty of Sociology St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia presenting “A relational creative city: mapping networks between public, private and not for profit sector in the creative industries”
13-14th February 2013 Invited speaker “The Social Spaces of Music”
CRESC Conference, University of Manchester (UK) presented “Exploring music
graduates' careers & networks in the UK”
6-8 December 2012 Invited speaker ‘Strati dell’arte 2012’ National annual conference of ARCI (Association of independent cultural centers), Modena, Italy
22-24th November 2012, Invited speaker ‘European Campus of local and regional authorities for Culture’ at la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (Paris), organized by the Association of European Cities and Regions for Culture 'Les Rencontres'
25-27th October 2012 Invited speaker ‘Seminário Internacional Quarteirões Culturais’ promoted by the Santo Tirso local authority , Portugal
7th September 2011 Invite presentation ‘Creative universities and creative cities’ at ‘Brighton Fuse Research Day’, University of Brighton, UK
8th June 2011 Invited keynote speaker at the closing conference of the URBACT network “Creative Clusters in Low Density Urban Areas” Óbidos, Portugal Watch VIDEO
1-4 July 2010 Invited speaker at the International Workshop “Wellbeing, Innovation and Spatial Transformation", to be held in Groningen,The Netherlands
23-25 June 2010 University of Exeter (UK) “Creativity and Place”, presented the paper “Creative graduates and creative cities”, written with A. Faggian
28-29 June 2010 Invited keynote speaker at the opening conference Central Europe’s Creative Cities project which will be organized in Pécs, Hungary
25th February 2010 Invited to present the paper “Exploring the potentials of social network analysis: mapping networks of knowledge and support in the creative economy of the North-East of England” at the Seminar Series of the School of Geography, University of Portsmouth
17th February 2010 Invited to present the paper 'Unrewarded careers in the creative class: the strange case of Bohemian graduates' at the CURS (Centre for Urban and Regional Studies) Seminar Series at the University of Birmingham
1-3 October 2009 Invited presenter 'Unrewarded careers in the creative class: the strange case of Bohemian graduates' at the international workshop, “Determinants and Effects of Interregional Mobility” Alghero, Sardinia
3–4 March 2009 Invited to present findings from the research project undertaken within the third year module "Culture and the City" about artists' spaces in Southampton to the SHAPe (Southampton Heritage and Arts People) conference in Southampton and to the Hampshire Economic Partnership (Creative Industries Task Group) meeting in Eastleigh.
7 January 2009 Presentation to the Government Social Research Unit in Westminster as part of an initiative giving the opportunity for Early Career Researchers to present their work to senior research commissioning officials within the UK Government.
4 April 2008 Invited to present at the workshop “Creativity and Creative Sectors, Clusters and Networks” at the University of Birmingham
8–11 March 2007 Seville (Spain). Les Rencontres de Seville: Funding culture in Europe: public and private partnerships. Paper presented “The competitive advantage of investing in culture: between business and locality”
30 November 2005 Rome (Italy) ValoreCultura, conference organised in Rome by the Socio-Democratic Party, Main speaker, paper title “Culture and competitiveness”
5 May 2004, Florence, Chamber of Commerce, “Business investments in the arts”, organized by ScandicciCultura
6-8 December 2012 Invited speaker ‘Strati dell’arte 2012’ National annual conference of ARCI (Association of independent cultural centers), Modena, Italy
22-24th November 2012, Invited speaker ‘European Campus of local and regional authorities for Culture’ at la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (Paris), organized by the Association of European Cities and Regions for Culture 'Les Rencontres'
25-27th October 2012 Invited speaker ‘Seminário Internacional Quarteirões Culturais’ promoted by the Santo Tirso local authority , Portugal
7th September 2011 Invite presentation ‘Creative universities and creative cities’ at ‘Brighton Fuse Research Day’, University of Brighton, UK
8th June 2011 Invited keynote speaker at the closing conference of the URBACT network “Creative Clusters in Low Density Urban Areas” Óbidos, Portugal Watch VIDEO
1-4 July 2010 Invited speaker at the International Workshop “Wellbeing, Innovation and Spatial Transformation", to be held in Groningen,The Netherlands
23-25 June 2010 University of Exeter (UK) “Creativity and Place”, presented the paper “Creative graduates and creative cities”, written with A. Faggian
28-29 June 2010 Invited keynote speaker at the opening conference Central Europe’s Creative Cities project which will be organized in Pécs, Hungary
25th February 2010 Invited to present the paper “Exploring the potentials of social network analysis: mapping networks of knowledge and support in the creative economy of the North-East of England” at the Seminar Series of the School of Geography, University of Portsmouth
17th February 2010 Invited to present the paper 'Unrewarded careers in the creative class: the strange case of Bohemian graduates' at the CURS (Centre for Urban and Regional Studies) Seminar Series at the University of Birmingham
1-3 October 2009 Invited presenter 'Unrewarded careers in the creative class: the strange case of Bohemian graduates' at the international workshop, “Determinants and Effects of Interregional Mobility” Alghero, Sardinia
3–4 March 2009 Invited to present findings from the research project undertaken within the third year module "Culture and the City" about artists' spaces in Southampton to the SHAPe (Southampton Heritage and Arts People) conference in Southampton and to the Hampshire Economic Partnership (Creative Industries Task Group) meeting in Eastleigh.
7 January 2009 Presentation to the Government Social Research Unit in Westminster as part of an initiative giving the opportunity for Early Career Researchers to present their work to senior research commissioning officials within the UK Government.
4 April 2008 Invited to present at the workshop “Creativity and Creative Sectors, Clusters and Networks” at the University of Birmingham
8–11 March 2007 Seville (Spain). Les Rencontres de Seville: Funding culture in Europe: public and private partnerships. Paper presented “The competitive advantage of investing in culture: between business and locality”
30 November 2005 Rome (Italy) ValoreCultura, conference organised in Rome by the Socio-Democratic Party, Main speaker, paper title “Culture and competitiveness”
5 May 2004, Florence, Chamber of Commerce, “Business investments in the arts”, organized by ScandicciCultura